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Mobile Technologies Move Into Insurance. Obama Fights Against The Cyber Attacks

Author: defadmin 15-02-2013, 17:47

As the Insurance Journal reported:
Modern insurance field needs reforming and improving as the last researches showed. Much attention is payed to the using of mobile devices in insurance. Most of insurance companies try to create such possibilities for the policyholders to keep their interest as well. At about 75 companies are cooperating with Novarica Research Council. The wide-spread usage of tablets gave a new beginning to the new lines in insuring. It is also planned to involve to this process as the policyholders as the insurance agents as well.

As the use of smartphones and especially tablets displaces the use of desktops and laptops in more areas of personal and professional life, support for these platforms is becoming critical to insurers’ abilities to communicate electronically across the value chain,
as the partner at Novarica Matthew Josefowicz noted. 
Many researchers say that this changes must be done very carefully for avoiding possible problems with policyholders.
Mobile is about positioning for the future, and significant measurable short-term ROI is in short supply. But given the rate of change in tablet adoption, insurers cannot afford to be left behind. Avoiding mobile today is like avoiding web browsers in the late ’90s,
as the Novarica partner Chad Hersh said.
As Insurance Journal reported: The USA President Obama is about to sign the new cyber defence law. It is supposed to protect a lot of fields of the national industry and infrastructure from cyber intrusions. The main task of this reform is to protect the process of the information transfer between companies and government.
Our biggest issue right now is getting the private sector to a comfort level so they can report anomalies, malware, incidents within their network” without undue fear of being “outed,
as FBI Executive Assistant Director Richard McFeely noted. The Department of Homeland Security is about to lead the protection process in infrastructure.

by Vladimir Dmitriev