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Cyber insurance becomes widespread

Author: defadmin 18-12-2012, 00:54

Buying something we rarely think about how our purchase is insured against fraud. Especially important and at the same time dangerous it looks like from the point of view of the online shopping. As practice shows upcoming holidays are the perfect moments for activation of different kind of cyber crooks. As it is written on forbes.com:

tis also the seaon for cyber crooks to be out and about, preying on consumers and the sites from which they buy.
The situation is equally dangerous, both for buyers and for online retailers, if they will not provide the proper insurance for its rights. Which are the advantages for the online retailers with the cyber insurance? Firstly, it is a strong protection from losses due to data leaks.
The cyber insurance policy is constantly changing process. It does not come to a halt dead in its tracks and is developing as rapidly as hackers are trying to get around it - at least, on a regular 6-month updating basis as the company providing such cyber insurance service for retail and consumer products claims in its reports.
However the risks are quite tremendous. The experts voice only some of the facts that allow traders to understand that they incur some losses:
- Large variety of insurance products allows you to buy low-quality products.
- Low sublimates, purchased together with such policies.
- And often it happens so, when the retailer may incur losses due to the fact that the insurance policy does not cover his relationship with affiliates or partner.
Thus people in trouble are left to, until the appropriate amendments to this insurance policy will be introduced.

by Vladimir Dmitriev