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Gun owners will be required to buy liability insurance

Author: defadmin 8-02-2013, 21:16

A new legislation was proposed by democratic lawmakers on Tuesday in California requiring all gun possessors to get
liability insurance to ensure coverage of any damage their weapon may cause, reportes Associated Press.

Previously similar laws were brought in a number of other states following the slaughter in Newton, Conn. The appropriate measures are introduced in Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts, Maryland and obviously Connecticut.

I was moved, being the father of two young children, by the Sandy Hook incident and looking for constructive ways to manage gun violence here in California as well as the rest of the country,
says San Francisco deputy Philip Ting who together with Los Angeles Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez instituted AB231. Ting compares this proposition to obligating vehicle owners to get auto coverage. The new law will urge gun owners to attend weapon safety classes and lock up their firearms in order to earn lower insurance rates.

A series of unsuccessful legislations have been suggested in New York and Massachusetts since 2003. Likewise, similar bill was rejected in Illinois in 2009 following last year failure in Pennsylvania. But after the recent assault legislators took measures and state after state the law is introduced into the sphere of insurance. While the bill's aspects are getting elaborated, Ting points out that in California all weapon buyers will be required to get proof of corresponding insurance beforehand.

Most gun proprietors already respond to the bill an can be taken legal action against if they refuse to obey the new rules reportes Sam Paredes, Gun Owners of California managing director . He also adds that the proposal is going to erase gun carriers from the streets and force them to walk without protection in crime-afflicted areas of big cities. Besides, he doubts that it is constitutional to obligate someone to purchase insurance to carry out a constitutional right.

by Vladimir Dmitriev